So if you’ve seen my home page, the current project up there at the moment is The Mythicals Book 1… rewrites and edits. After some valuable feedback from complete strangers via Critique Circle (an amazing site for any writer), I have decided to cut some of the first chapters and start the story a bit further in. Either that, or have a sort of flash-back scene – or maybe I should call it a flash-forward scene? – I was thinking I could start somewhere much further in the book, somewhere really exciting, then start chapter 2 as showing the readers how the main character got to that point over the next several chapters.

*Sigh* I’m not sure which road to take, but I know that this rewriting is going to take a lot longer than I originally thought! So obviously, I’m procrastinating…! Bad habit, I know. This is why I’m not a published author yet…

I have this on one of my shirts...

I have this on one of my shirts…

Anyways, I figured that if I’m not going to work on that project, maybe I should use my time to develop a different one. I have a completed story that I finished a while ago, but it was just a single novel, not the first in a trilogy or anything. I have been trying on and off over the last year or so to figure out what sort of trilogy I could make it into, but the story doesn’t really lend itself well to a trilogy or series layout. I also don’t think it’s a strong enough story to work well as a single novel.

However, on Friday, a thought struck me – there is a fairly new way that some e-book authors are now writing and selling their work: they take after TV shows and call their series and books ‘seasons’ and ‘episodes’. Generally the books are more like novellas of around 10k words each, but once the whole season is complete, they can add up to an impressive word count. It seems to be working quite well for a lot of authors and it’s an interesting idea.

It sounds like it would be the perfect layout for my completed story. I love the idea of doing some work to the story and turning it into a ‘season’. It solves a lot of my problems and also opens up opportunities such as returning to the world that the story is set in for a new season, or even using the same characters and developing them more for a different season. At the same time, I don’t have to worry so much about readers waiting for a book 2 or 3 in a series –  there can either be a season 2 or not, it won’t really affect the story because season 1 will be a complete tale and readers should be satisfied that the story has been finished. On the other hand, if I do decide to write a season 2, there will be readers already familiar with the world and the characters and if they liked season 1, they will probably want to read season 2! 😀

I’m excited by this idea, especially as I hated having a completed story that I had worked quite hard on just sitting on my hard drive collecting what I like to call “dust bytes” (the computer equivalent of dust mites!). I think this is the ideal direction to take this story in. I will keep you posted on how things go!

Have a great weekend! 🙂