Teaser – Part One of the Unfinished Prophecy

Teaser – Part One of the Unfinished Prophecy

Exciting news! Part One of my mini-serial The Unfinished Prophecy is being released this month! I know you can’t see me right now, but I am doing my happy dance…! 😀 Release date is the 31st January, just over two weeks away. I’m super excited and was...
Writing Challenge – 500 words, 366 days

Writing Challenge – 500 words, 366 days

I have decided to try something. I tend to leave the blog untouched for long periods of time and to be brutally honest, the same could be said for my writing projects. I stumbled across a comment on a website a few years ago about how someone writes the first 500...
Beginnings – The Mythicals

Beginnings – The Mythicals

Why are beginnings so hard to write? For that matter, why are middles and ends also hard to write? 😉 Most of the time when I am writing, I will do it in order – start with the beginning and finish with the end and I always have some sort of story plan, which is...
The Countdown – 40 Days Left

The Countdown – 40 Days Left

So, if you’ve been reading the blog, you know that I am currently on a crocodile-and-jellyfish-infested tropical island in the middle of the Gulf of Carpentaria! 😉 It’s not a bad life here, but at the same time, there isn’t much to do unless you love...
Writing Buddies

Writing Buddies

I’ve always thought that if I had a writing buddy, I would get so much more writing done. I think it’s because of the accountability – they are expecting to see some progress in your manuscript, so you’re driven to provide that, or risk...