I have decided to try something.

I tend to leave the blog untouched for long periods of time and to be brutally honest, the same could be said for my writing projects. I stumbled across a comment on a website a few years ago about how someone writes the first 500 words of a story every day to get into the writing groove. Just a random 500 words to get the juices flowing. It was an awesome idea and I even did a few exercises myself using this tactic, but now I’ve decided to take it further.

I want to do it every day for a year. Starting today!

500 words, every day, 365 days.

No, wait, 366 days – 2016 is a leap year!!

500 words, 366 days

I will post the results of my 500-word-story-starters on the site every day, which will be my accountability for this challenge.

I’m doing this as a challenge to myself to write every day and to motivate me to continue writing. Not to mention, at the end of the year, imagine how many story ideas I’ll have! Perhaps I could even start a poll – the most popular 500 word starter is the next story to be worked on!

To be honest, I considered doing this in the New Year, as a 2016 New Year’s Resolution. It seemed like the logical day to start something like this. But let’s face it – how many of us actually keep to our resolutions??? I sure don’t have a great track record for it… Besides, why do tomorrow what you can do today, as the saying goes.

First story starter coming up…