So, if you’ve been reading the blog, you know that I am currently on a crocodile-and-jellyfish-infested tropical island in the middle of the Gulf of Carpentaria! 😉 It’s not a bad life here, but at the same time, there isn’t much to do unless you love...
So if you’ve been reading the blog, you might have picked up on the fact that my job as the nutrition coordinator for the Groote Eylandt Schools entails a lot of traveling around the island. I work two days a week at the Angurugu School (pronounced...
Every Friday, I fly out to another island in a tiny mosquito of a plane – great fun, but also really noisy and squashed up! Anyway, last Friday I lent my work vehicle to someone at the school so they could use it to do some maintenance work. I wouldn’t be...
I thought I might write a quick blog about where I am at the moment – some of my other posts might make more sense if you know where I am. Also, I am planning on being a travelling writer very soon and I thought it might be nice to share all of the places I go...