So if you’ve been reading the blog, you might have picked up on the fact that my job as the nutrition coordinator for the Groote Eylandt Schools entails a lot of traveling around the island. I work two days a week at the Angurugu School (pronounced an-oo-roo-goo) which is in the community where I’m living, so only a short 2-minute drive away. I also work two days a week at the Umbakumba School which is a 45 minute drive across the island (if the floodway is clear!). Then my Friday’s are spent on Bickerton Island – a small island off the Groote Eylandt coast. My transport over there? What I like to call Tiny Mosquito Planes!
This job is the first time I’ve ever had to fly in such a tiny plane! Most of my other day jobs have been of the mundane sort, no tiny airplanes involved! I was pretty excited about being able to travel this way when I first started and it’s still one of my favourite times of the week. Sometimes the pilots even let me take the wheel (joystick?) once we’re in the air, which is an amazing feeling! The views as you fly over the coastline and the tropical waters is breathtaking and sometimes we fly through low clouds which I love! 🙂
Some people might be a bit nervous getting into such a tiny vehicle, but I don’t really get queasy about that sort of thing. To me, it’s just a new experience that I can’t wait to try out!