A few weeks ago, I finally decided to ditch my old Samsung Galaxy S2 phone and bought myself … an iPhone! iPhone 5s to be precise. I never thought I would own an iPhone. I was one of those people who thought Apple products were expensive and not always the best on the market. Not to mention their notorious exclusivity – Apple products will only work with other Apple products (okay, I know it wasn’t quite that bad, but in my mind, it was!).

My First Apple!

My First Apple!

My first Apple product was an iPod nano, 4th generation (I think!). It was sleek, blue and had a white circle under the screen that had the controls on it and also adjusted the volume by sliding your finger around it (which I thought was pretty high-tech). It was a Christmas present from my parents just before I went on my exchange year to Belgium and I loved it from the first time I set eyes on it.

I got my second Apple product 4 years after my first and it was another iPod, mainly because my first one had gone missing while honeymooning in America. We suspected it had been stolen, so my husband bought me a new one for my birthday. This one was even more fancy than the first, with touch screen technology! Again, I was pretty impressed with it and happy with the improvements that they had made to the newer version.

Second one!

Second one!

Two months later, I found my old iPod hidden in one of the backpacks we’d taken to America…

My questionable searching skills aside, the third Apple product was an iPad 2. I got this one last year while I was working for my mum for a few months. She bought one for each of us to make our jobs easier, and boy did they! It took a little getting used to, but within a day of using it, I loved it. I connected my email accounts so that I could get email straight away, which was one of my favourite things about it – I didn’t have to get my laptop out, wait forever for it to boot up, wait for the internet to load the email site, wait for the emails to come through, wait for the browser to think about whether or not it actually wanted to show me what my emails said… etcetera, etcetera…

The Life-Altering iPad!

The Life-Altering iPad!

The iPad 2 had immensely simplified my life, and I loved it! Social media was now so much more accessible, games that I couldn’t get on my android device I could now download to my iPad, not to mention all the other hugely helpful apps in the App store.

Even though I loved the iPad, I still wasn’t sure about taking the leap and getting an iPhone. Besides, my old phone still had about 8 months on the contract, so it wasn’t something I was too worried about getting. But as the months have passed since then, I found myself thinking that perhaps an iPhone would be easier for me after all. My whole family already had them, even my Nanna has one! Call it peer pressure, but I felt like I was behind the times!

My New iPhone :)

My New iPhone 🙂

So, last month while I was in Darwin and Katherine for some training, I went to the shops and bought myself an iPhone 5s! It was very exciting, until I took it back to the hotel and realised that I couldn’t transfer my sim card over as it was way too big! Apparently they use micro sims these days. Or is it nano sims…? Anyway, that turned out to be a relatively easy fix – I just took it to a phone shop and they cut down my old sim to fit into my new phone! I didn’t even know they could do that! I thought for sure it would destroy the sim card, but everything still works perfectly!

Just like the iPad, my iPhone is awesome and I love it. I know that technically, an android phone works just as well as an Apple one, but there is something about the iPhone that seems to set it apart a tiny bit.

Still, I’d never buy a Mac. No way…

What’s your take on Apple products?