Yep, I’m in Norway! 😀 I haven’t seen the sun in a week – it’s just twilight, dark or darker!
For the last week, I’ve been huddled up in layers upon layers of clothing, trekking around in the snow drifts and doing other fun snow-related activities! There really isn’t much opportunity to do these things in hot, dusty Australia! Obviously, I’m loving it!
I think my favourite moment so far has been the magical Northern Lights. They were simply stunning. They’ve appeared several of the nights that I’ve been here, bright green in colour mostly and you can actually see them move in the sky and change shape! It’s incredible, something everyone should see if they get the chance.
I’ve also been ice-fishing this week. I managed to catch a grand total of 1 fish with my teensy little ice-fishing rod… Still, it was definitely an experience! The ice over the lake looked like it was at least half a metre thick and very slippery. There were several arm-windmilling moments…!
This afternoon, I took some snow shoes and headed up the hill a little way in search of some good soft snow to make a snow angel in! I also wanted to try my hand at building a snowman, but the snow wasn’t holding together. I’m no expert on snow, so I have no idea why… Same problem with snow balls – I had trouble initiating the snow ball fight I wanted with my family… 😉
I think one of the best things about being an author is the ability to write no matter where you are. Even up in the very top of Norway, surrounded by mountains and fjords, I can still work on my story! Although I do have to resist the urge to go and play in the snow every day…