My husband and I have been planning to move to the UK for a while now, and over the past two and a half months, we have been working on getting my visa sorted. All I can say is, GO THROUGH AN AGENCY!!! Seriously, the amount of trouble it takes to apply for a visa by yourself is not worth the stress! I tried it by myself at first, but it is next to impossible to find out all the information you need, and what documents you’re supposed to supply and how far back they need to be dated (at least 6 months apparently…), and what sort of conditions you need to meet to be eligible for a specific visa. I failed my first attempt and that was when I decided I should ask some experts to help! My husband keeps bragging about his dual-citizenship…
I finally managed to submit my second attempt and was super happy to be approved! 😀 I can now stay in the UK for 5 years! It has been a dream of ours to live in the UK for a few years and experience their culture and lifestyle. Plus the ability to travel to and from Europe more easily (honestly, an expensive 28-hour flight across the world can put you off a two-week European holiday!) is an added bonus that we are definitely looking forward to taking advantage of.
We’ve been over a couple of times on holiday and we never want to leave when the time came to return to Australia. We much prefer the cold weather than the 40 degrees celsius and above temperatures that we’ve been having Down Under lately!
I won’t have to put up with the heat much longer! We fly out on the 24th of December and we will be arriving on Christmas morning, which we both think is an awesome Christmas present to ourselves! 😉 We will travel around for a few months and have a well-deserved holiday. There will be plenty of photos making their way on here, but probably not much writing going on…
Speaking of writing, the third draft of The Mythicals is slowly making progress – it was greatly impeded by the frantic running around that the visa application process induced, but now that that’s out of the way, I can get back to what I really like to do! Well, until the 24th, anyway…
In case you’re wondering, I went through an agency called 1st Contact to get my successful visa application. They were very helpful and straight-forward and answered every question I had promptly. This isn’t an affiliated promotion or anything, I just know how hard it is to find info about this stuff on the internet and they helped me out a lot!
Anyone have any tips on what I should do first when I finally get to the UK? (other than kiss the ground and exclaim “here at last!”)