Where in the World am I?

Where in the World am I?

I thought I might write a quick blog about where I am at the moment – some of my other posts might make more sense if you know where I am. Also, I am planning on being a travelling writer very soon and I thought it might be nice to share all of the places I go...
Community Life: Flooded Roads

Community Life: Flooded Roads

As part of my current job doing school nutrition, I have to travel to three different community schools. One of the communities is on the other side of the island so I have to drive 45 minutes, 2 days a week to get there. That might seem like a long time to some...
Community Life: Power Outages and Sleepless Nights…

Community Life: Power Outages and Sleepless Nights…

I was going to post something on the blog last weekend – honestly, I was! I sat down on Saturday afternoon with my laptop on the couch in our lounge room and was trying to decide which of my many subjects I should wax lyrical about… then the power shut...